Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 52 - Kenpo X

Another sweat fest with Kenpo... I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I'm really missing Plyometrics this week. That said, my glutes are tired after all that kicking today. I am having a hard time making myself climb out of bed early to workout, but I don't think I'd make myself workout after work so - morning it is. I don't know if any of you watched Friends when it was on, but I did regularly. The past few mornings, I've climbed out of bed thinking about the song Joey's neighbor sang in the morning - "Morning's here. The morning's here. Sunshine is here. The morning's here!" I'm not really a morning person, so it's kind of funny, but Nikki HATES the mornings. Guess I shouldn't sing it out loud to see if she'd get up to workout with me. :)

Until tomorrow... Keep pushing play!

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