Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 29 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, AR X

Our arms are hurting after that one... We didn't watch the tape before today, so it was quite a shock that we weren't doing any pull-ups today. Nikki said she kind of missed doing them. (Sick, I know! LOL!)

A bit of good news: she has a new job interview tomorrow afternoon. Keeping the fingers crossed!

I've still got quite a ways to go to be where I want to be physically, but we took measurements this morning and both were really happy with the results. I'm sticking with the first phase of the nutrition plan for a while longer, provided I don't start to bonk during the workouts. Nikki is very happy to move to phase two, as she always had a hard time getting in all her proteins for the day.

I'm getting really psyched about this month! Ready to bring it for Plyo tomorrow!

Jeremy and Christina, thank you for all that you do! I can't imagine what our life would be like without your words of inspiration. I really wish we lived close enough to get involved with your church group.

And one more update I forgot to include in my original post: I made it through ALL mason twists on AR X today! Can't believe I kept up with Tony! Now, just need to keep up with it so I can one day LOOK like Tony...


  1. Look at that...Phase II already! Man, time has just flown by for you guys! Way to go. And just the decision of staying on PhaseI eating shows that you have control of your food, instead of the alternative!

    We'd love to have you in our LifeGroup...that would be awesome. Maybe one day, we'll go electronic with it...hmmmmmm.

  2. Good job David! Way to crank out those Mason Twists!! Chest, shoulders, & tri's is a tough one but ya'll are quickly becoming pros and missing pull ups???? Ok... that IS sick!! Ha! Ha!! Just kidding... that's awesome!

    I wish ya'll lived closer too! We do have a great group and you guys would fit right in.

    Tell Nikki I wish her well on her interview... let us know how it goes!
