Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 46 - Yoga (Unpacking) X

Well, I didn't get yoga done today, but I've unpacked a 16 foot trailer full of dishes, clothes, and furniture. I'm tired; so tired that I'm not going to feel guilty about missing the workout for today. With carrying almost everything up a flight of stairs for 2 hours, I think I've done enough for the day.

For the other news today... I got the job!!! What wonderful news! Thank all of you for your continued thoughts and prayers! I feel that God has placed me here for a purpose and I am so excited to serve Him!

Legs & Back tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations!!! I am soooo happy for you and your wife! God always has a plan for us, even if we have absolutely NO CLUE what He has in store... And as for skipping your workout-I've done many a military transfer, and let me tell ya, packing and unpacking should be considered a workout all on it's own!!! It's definitely NOT easy!

  2. I'm so glad you got the job!!! I knew someone would snatch you up in no time! Moving is such a beast of a job but it always has to be done at several points in our lives. I pray you settle in soon and feel at home and both your jobs go well! Soooo happy for ya!!

  3. Dude...count the unloading/unpacking as "Legs & Back" and take a Yoga or Stretch day. I've been there and know exactly how you've got to be feeling.

    Great news on the Job....may it be prosperous!
